Right it’s
time for me to get a bit more serious about this here blog.
You may
have noticed I went on a slight hiatus from this lovely place for over 2 months
now. And for that, I would say I’m sorry but I’m not really. I’ve had shit to
cope with in RL. Work shit, life shit, money shit, family shit and most
importantly – game shit.
All this
shit has hampered by ability to blog in the recent weeks – but I’m hoping that
will change now. The sun is shining, the birds are singing – I want to blog. I
want to write.
So here’s a
quick run down. I’ve played my first full ME Trilogy playthrough, including all
DLC from Bring Down the Sky to Citadel. It kept me hooked from start to finish
for well over a month.
Then I
played some Walking Dead: Survival Instinct…
Then I
played some classic old school Sensible World of Soccer on XBLA. And while
looking through my arcade collection, I stumbled back across The Walking Dead
by TellTale Games…
forgotten why I’d spent hours and hours playing it, I’d forgotten why I was
gripped by it and would scour the internet looking for the next episode’s
release date…so I played it again.
And therein
lies the next blog. A comparison of sorts between the 2 recent Walking Dead
games from a guy who knows about as much about TWD (TV and Comic) as anyone.
There are
plans afoot for this particular blogger, but know that I’ve not forgotten my
faithful audience of several.
By the way,
in case you missed it – check out my previous couple of big blogs – Living With
a Gamer and Mass Effect for the Ladies. Well worth a look…but then I would say
Until next
Toolbox 24
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